Joy Silver
Philanthropist, Coach and Speaker Industry: BusinessAbandoned in the streets of Korea at age 2, when there wasn’t enough food to go around, Park Yung Hee was adopted from Korea at age 3 to a loving American family, who named her Joy, for the joy she was bringing to them, and grew up in NJ. Following retirement in 2017 (at age 49) from a rewarding career in international business, Joy began to work toward her vision of giving back and helping underprivileged children manifest their dreams and founded, an international non-profit, “La Mission de Joie” (The Mission of Joy). Many synchronicities quickly led Joy to the capital city of Mongolia – Ulaanbaatar, around which a large population of poor and displaced families have settled, victims of climate change. At the La Mission de Joie training centers in Mongolia, and the many participating schools, students learn how to make their dreams come true through a highly effective and creative after-school program that focus on personal development and the law of attraction.
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